Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm doing ballet next year and need tips to get back in shape?

Hi. I did dance when I was younger and up until 3 years ago. I did ballet, tap, jazz, and some hiphop and acro. I really wanted to do dance this year, but missed the sign up. Anyway, I am for sure doing next year, but want to brush up on some basics and start getting back into shape, so I won't look like completely lost when I go. Any suggestions?

I'm doing ballet next year and need tips to get back in shape?plays

well, first, your ankles need to build back up to there formor strength. do this by using something like a barre (ex:the back of a chair, a kitchen counter, ect) to keep your ballance. releve (go up in demi pointe) in first postion, second, third, fourth, and fifth postion. then do about 20 (or more) on each side. also, in ballet it's about strenght of the whole body, not endurnce. so do these things slow, not fast. even try some slow crunches/sit ups.

i'm so glad your getting back into dance!

have fun, keep dancing, and good luck!

I'm doing ballet next year and need tips to get back in shape?opera ticket opera theater

Get a bar or something like a bar (I used to use the kitchen counter) and go through the execises we use in ballet. Also do some Yoga for the stretching and its great for a lot of other things too.
Yes return to your Ballet training, and Tap, take lessons again with a local dance school, that is a sure fire way of getting back into shape, plus most schools do performances, so that will help you get your stage presence back. Break A leg, whatever your choice. One more thing Pilates is a Dancers best friend for exercise outside the studio.
I just got back into dance after a year off and i found that I had lost the majority of my balance for turns because my core wasnt as strong as it used to be...soo work on all of your core muscsles...back, abs. shoulders...

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